Not all saltwater fish are ideal for beginners to keep in their aquariums. However, there are some beautiful species that are perfect for those who are new to saltwater fish keeping. In the second installment of our series, we’ll be exploring more beginner-friendly options to add to your aquarium. Whether you’re looking to add vibrant colors or unique patterns to your tank, there are plenty of options available that won’t require expert-level care. Keep reading to discover which species are right for you!
Bangaii Cardinalfish
Bangaii Cardinalfish (Pterapogon kaudern), are a popular species of small marine fish that are native to Indonesia. These fish are known for their striking appearance, which makes them a popular addition to aquariums around the world.
The Bangaii Cardinalfish have a distinct appearance, with a long and slender body that is a dark black color, with a series of white stripes running horizontally across their body. These stripes extend from the base of their dorsal fin to the base of their anal fin, and give them a unique and eye-catching appearance.
One of the most striking features of the Bangaii Cardinalfish is their dorsal fin, which is tall and pointed, and extends almost the entire length of their body.
In addition to their unique coloration, the Bangaii Cardinalfish also have a distinctive behavior. They are known for swimming in pairs or small groups, and they often form tight bonds with their partners. This behavior not only fascinating to watch, but it also makes them a great addition to community aquariums.
Bangaii Cardinalfish are not only popular among hobbyists but also among researchers who study fish behavior. These fish are known for their unique behavior, which is different from other fish species. Understanding the behavior of Bangaii Cardinalfish can help you take proper care of them in captivity, and it can also give you insights into how these fish behave in the wild. In this content chunk, we will explore some of the behavior patterns of Bangaii Cardinalfish.
One behavior trait that stands out in Bangaii Cardinalfish is their schooling instinct. These fish are known to form groups and swim together in a synchronized pattern. This behavior makes them less vulnerable to predators and increases their chances of finding food. In the wild, they usually form small groups of up to ten fish. However, when kept in captivity, they may form larger schools as they feel more secure.

Another interesting behavior of Bangaii Cardinalfish is their breeding habits. These fish are paternal mouthbrooders. After the female lays her eggs, the male will fertilize them and then carry them in his mouth for around 20-25days until they hatch. During this time, the male will not eat and will only move his mouth to circulate water over the eggs.
For a single Bangaii Cardinalfish, a minimum tank size of 30 gallons is recommended. However, if you plan on keeping multiple fish, a larger tank will be necessary. A 55-gallons tank is suitable for a small group of these fish.
When it comes to keeping Bangaii Cardinalfish, it’s important to choose tank mates that can coexist peacefully with them. These fish are generally peaceful and do well in a community tank with other non-aggressive fish. However, it’s important to avoid housing them with any aggressive or territorial species as they can become stressed and intimidated. Good tank mates for Bangaii Cardinal fish include other peaceful species like Gobies, Dartfish, and Chromis. These fish are similar in size and temperament, making them ideal companions for the Bangaii Cardinalfish.
Yellow Watchman Goby
Yellow Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus cinctus) is a small and popular marine fish that belongs to the Gobiidae family. It is native to the Indo-Pacific region is named for its yellow coloration, which is adorned with small white spots on the front half of its body. It is known as a “watchman” due to its mutually beneficial relationship with certain species of pistol shrimp. The Yellow Watchman Goby acts as a look out for a nearly blind shrimp, alerting it to potential danger. The shrimp, in turn, digs a burrow where the two species live together. The shrimp uses its antennae to communicate with the goby, and together, they are able to reduce the risk of predation. This relationship, known as symbiotic, is advantageous for both the shrimp and the Yellow Watchman Goby.
They are relatively small fish, typically growing to no more than 3 inches in length. However, they still require a tank that is large enough to accommodate their active nature. A tank size of at least 30 gallons is recommended, as this will provide ample swimming room and hiding places for your fish. In terms of water conditions, Yellow Watchman Gobies prefer a temperature range of 72-78°F and a pH range of 8.1-8.4. They also require a sandy substrate, as they like to burrow and create their own hiding spots.

Yellow Watchman Gobies are generally peaceful fish and can be kept with a variety of tank mates. However, it’s important to avoid keeping them with aggressive or territorial fish, as they may become stressed and hide away. Good tank mates for Yellow Watchman Gobies include other small, peaceful fish such as Clownfish, Blennies, and Gobies.
This particular species of fish does not exhibit a particular inclination for any specific type of food, thus making it an ideal choice for those who are inexperienced in maintaining an aquarium. The fish is known to readily consume both marine fish flakes and sinking pellets, providing a versatile and convenient option for its diet.
Overall, Yellow Watchman Gobies are an excellent choice for hobbyists looking for an interesting and easy-to-care-for fish. As long as their tank requirements are met and they are housed with compatible tank mates, these colorful little fish can be a joy to watch and care for.
Six Line Wrasse
The Six Line Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia), is a small, colorful fish that is commonly found in the Indo-Pacific region. It is a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts due to its vibrant colors, playful behavior, and abilityto control pests in the tank.
This is are relatively small fish, typically growing up to a maximum of 4 inches in length. It has a slender body with six distinct stripes running horizontally along its body, hence its name. These stripes are usually purple or blue in color and are separated by a orangey-yellow background. The tail fin can be green at the base and transition into yellow or become transparent.
The minimum tank size for a Six Line Wrasse should be at least 30 gallons. However, a larger tank is always better, as these fish are quite active and enjoy plenty of swimming space. A longer tank is preferable to a tall one, as Six Line Wrasse tend to swim horizontally rather than vertically. It’s also important to provide plenty of hiding places for your fish. Live rock and coral can be used to create caves and crevices where your Six Line Wrasse can hide and feel secure.
Although Six Line Wrasses can be a good option for beginners, it should be noted that they are generally labeled as semi-aggressive. The problem with these fish is that they can behave well until they suddenly turn aggressive. They may start terrorizing other peaceful fish in the aquarium and won’t stop. Six Line Wrasses are persistent in pestering other fish, which can lead to weakened, sick, or even dead tank mates.

The Six Line Wrasse may not naturally clean your saltwater aquarium, but it can help control some pests. These fish are known for scavenging and foraging, and they eat small invertebrates found in the rocks. They particularly like to snack on flatworms and bristle worms. If you struggle with hitchhiking pests like flatworms or nudibranchs on small polyp stony corals, Six Line Wrasses can be beneficial. They can also assist hobbyists who dislike the appearance of bristle worms, though these worms are generally good members of a cleanup crew.
It’s important to note that Six Line Wrasses alone cannot fully eradicate a pest infestation. While they can help control the population, one fish cannot eat all the pests. Furthermore, it’s not recommended to introduce these fish solely for pest control purposes in a tank.
The dietary habits of these remarkable little fish are quite straightforward in nature, as they are primarily carnivorous and tend to consume food items that are rich in protein. It is essential to note that due to their swift eating habits, it is crucial to ensure that other fish residing in the same aquarium are being fed adequately, and are not left wanting for more. Here are some good food options for the Six Line Wrasse: freeze-dried mysis shrimp, freeze-dried brine shrimp, bloodworms, brine shrimp, krill, flaked foods, and pellets.
To summarize, there are many factors to consider when choosing a saltwater fish for your aquarium, including size, temperament, and diet. Incorporating a saltwater fish into your aquarium can be a fun and fulfilling hobby, but it requires patience and attention to detail. By doing your research and selecting a species that aligns with your preferences and experience level, you can enjoy the beauty of these aquatic creatures while providing them with a safe and healthy home.