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seahorse as a pet water and salt blog

Giulia del Vecchio

Are Seahorses the Right Pet for You? Essential Facts and Aquarium Setup Tips

Seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) are fascinating marine creatures known for their upright posture, prehensile tails, and unique reproduction, where males carry and give birth to young. Their ability to camouflage, delicate swimming, and intricate courtship rituals make them a favorite among marine enthusiasts. Despite their appeal, seahorses face threats from habitat loss, overfishing, and the aquarium trade. Understanding their biology, habitat, and care is crucial for those interested in keeping them in captivity. This guide explores seahorse classification, behavior, and proper aquarium setup, offering essential insights for responsible ownership. Whether you're curious about their diet, reproduction, or considering seahorses for your saltwater tank, this article provides the knowledge needed to appreciate and care for them.
Designer Clownfish in Proaquatix Facilities
Ana Lopez Hidalgo_water and salt blog

Ana M.López

Exploring Proaquatix: What Breeding Designer Clownfish Involves

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of touring the facilities of Proaquatix, located in a warehouse in Vero Beach, Florida. Managed by Eric Wagner, the facility is home to over 300 pairs of clownfish, which contribute to the majority of clownfish seen in both private and public aquariums across the United States. However, their work extends beyond clownfish, encompassing species such as Royal Gramma, Dottybacks, PJ Cardinals, Peppermint Shrimps, Gobies, Blennies, Angelfish, and large display fish like Golden Trevally, Lookdown, and Fusiliers. They are also pioneering projects with Berghia Nudibranch, Queen Angels, Yellow Tangs, and the Guineafowl Puffer, having been the first to successfully close the life cycle of the latter in 2003.
SkellyFest 2024 Image by Carlos Canadas of Dream State Living Productions, Inc.
Ana Lopez Hidalgo_water and salt blog

Ana M.López

Dive into Skellyfest 2024: The Ultimate Aquatic Expo At Miami Airport Convention Center

Miami, FL – This Saturday, September 21, marked the third annual Skellyfest at the Miami Airport Convention Center (MACC), an event that brings together the vibrant world of coral enthusiasts, marine conservationists, and ocean-themed artists for a day of vibrant exhibitions and impactful philanthropy. The inception of Skellyfest originated from a unique digital art NFT project that portrayed the skeletal structures of fish, designed to raise funds for ocean conservation.
Giant Manta Ray (Mobula birostris) by Karim Massoud
Ana Lopez Hidalgo_water and salt blog

Ana M.López

Beneath the Surface: Karim Youssef’s Dive into Underwater Photography in Red Sea

Karim was born in a city over two hours from the sea. Despite his fear of deep water, he found a way to bond with the ocean. He turned what many would see as a disadvantage into a passion and career. Today, Karim is a diving instructor in the Red Sea. He not only guides visitors who go to enjoy the stunning underwater world but also shares its beauty with those who can't visit through his photography.
right fish for your aquarium
Ana Lopez Hidalgo_water and salt blog

Ana M.López

Tips for Selecting the Right Fish and Invertebrates for a Natural Reef Ecosystem

When it comes to creating a natural reef ecosystem, understanding the delicate balance of this unique environment is crucial. A diverse reef tank is not just visually appealing, but it also contributes to the overall health and stability of the ecosystem. Fish, invertebrates, and corals in a reef ecosystem form a complex web of interactions. Certain fish species may rely on specific invertebrates for food, while others
jorge garcia interview
Marion camusard

Marion Camusard

The Significance of Identifying Eagle Rays Through Their “Fingerprints”

Those animals just look like magnificent birds underwater. They are graceful, majestic and shy at the same time. But they have one common thing with us: their "fingerprints". Theirs are situated on their back. Even if in English they are called “eagle”, in some other countries, they have different names, like “leopard” in France or even “painted back” in Ecuador. Their specific black and white pattern is unique to each specimen. With more than 500 different species around the world, they are...